Monday, 30 April 2007

Free Ismailbe' Now

Ismailbe' in MDP's first congress

Ismailbe' is a real hero

Ismailbe' is an inspirational figure

He is always there...
Ismailbe' is one in a million!


Anonymous said...

ismailbe ur the man

Anonymous said...

i support his freedom not because hes MDP but rath3er he is Maldivian and human....such an old man ..if he is a threat to society or rather a regime then we hsall all be bigger lets build a fence around Male' now shall we??

Anonymous said...

ismailbe should be released immediately from the claws of dictator maumoon

Anonymous said...

as if the government has nothing better to do than arrest an old man! he forgot that he is only allowed to distribute things thats only PRO government.
He is harmless, there are much more harmful factions of the society that needs to be arrested.

Anonymous said...

zindhaabaadh ismailbe.